Current Whereabouts
Adam Glowinski goes to significant lengths to keep his home address and physical location secret, but we will do our best to keep his current known or believed whereabouts updated as we become aware of them.
Current Residence
It is believed Adam Glowinski and Laura Glowinski currently reside in the “Powisle” neighborhood of Warsaw, Poland. Powisle is a posh, up-and-coming riverfront neighborhood with popular restaurants, art galleries and nightlife.
Business Location
There is never an actual, physical business associated with Adam Glowinski. Everything is internet based. His last known physical address is believed to be ALEJA RZECZYPOSPOLITEJ 12 / 46 in Warsaw, Poland, an apartment block in Warsaw.
Adam Glowinski (ADAM GŁOWIŃSKI) now appears to be operating under the name of “GClass For Sale” which has no official address, only a web page at But the company has no public presence at the time of writing, and has only a “coming soon” web page at